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Planning your escape!

It was sitting bumper to bumper in traffic in Sheffield on a dreary and cold February morning when I realised I needed more from my life and decided I was wasting it in the rat race producing nothing.  I wanted more and resolved to start plotting my escape!  

The Escape Plan​


It took 10 years to arrive at the point where the decision was finally made to downsize and buy a farm in France but we finally took the plunge in 2015 and in 2018 we finally moved to France!


Over the last 5 years we have invested weekends and holidays in a variety of courses covering everything from general smallholding, pig keeping and goat keeping to charcuterie and cheese making.  All with one aim, to give us the skills we need to become as self sufficient as possible when we eventually leave the UK for good to embark on our french paysan dream.


Each year in the UK we have dedicated more garden and more time to growing our own produce, after 15 years we have learnt a lot and cant wait to put it into practice on a much larger scale.


In addition to the vegetable plot we plan to also raise chickens for egg production.


The idea of setting this site up is to document our progress and share our experiences.  As I look around the internet searching for articles or blogs from people doing what we are planning to do there are very few so I hope this will fill that niche and become a useful resource for others looking to follow a similar path.




Escape Routes!
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